I don't train to be better than you. I train to be better than me.

I don't train to be better than you. I train to be better than me.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


There is an inextricable link between combat and soap. This is not only because author Chuck Palahniuk wrote the "Paper Street Soap Company" into the book Fight Club. the link has to do with the extreme hygiene needs of combat athletes, especially grapplers who spend a lot of time in direct contact with one another, and with the mats. Because of the nature of what we do there is a lot of potential for germ transfer, and infection. Anyone who has seen, or experienced a bout with ringworm or staph knows that the resulting infection can be disgusting, and potentially deadly.

For this reason I have decided to undertake the task of reviewing various anti-bacterial / anti-microbal soaps on the market. This includes, but is not limited to products marketed directly to people who train in combat sports. I am uniquely positioned to undertake this task since I am not only committed to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, but I am also committed by way of marriage to a bonafide soap junkie. Having formerly managed the flagship store for an all natural cosmetics company, as well as having been the general manager of a boutique soap company that operated locally here in Denver, Shannon is well qualified to speak regarding the active ingredients in the products. As such she has agreed to assist me with the reviews I will write under the "soap" label. We will also be founding a new stand alone blog aimed directly at this subject where we will actually host the reviews which I will then link back here. Hope you enjoy the new subject matter!